The Electronic Pen BBS in Harrington Park, NJ is a FirstClass™ BBS offering a wide range of features including:
• Over 50 local, OneNet, and Fidonet conferences
• Access to Fidonet NetMail
• Over 10,000 Macintosh files on AMUG's BBS in a Box CD-ROM and other file areas
• Support for books by Maria L. Langer
The Electronic Pen BBS is also the home of Macintosh Tips & Tricks, a news and productivity newsletter by Giles Road Press.
FirstClass BBS runs from 5:30 am to 3:40 am for regular callers. Use this settings file during that time only.
TabbyNet software runs from 3:40 am to 5:30 am for Fidonet mail exchange between other nodes and points. Non-mailer callers will not be able to connect during this time.
1.8 - June 30, 1993
Changed the Read Me file to add information about the BBS. Also added Electronic Pen Member Info file to provide information about membership on the Electronic Pen and added the Guest file to explain the Guest accound. Added a handful of new icons to the settings file.
1.7 - June 2, 1993
Added brand new splash screens by Sandee Cohen. Created both Color and B&W versions of the settings files to accomodate these two screens. Also added 16 folder icon resources. These icon resources are required to see the same icons I set up on the Electronic Pen BBS -- if you don't have these icons, default conference and folder icons will appear in their places.
Here's some information about Sandee Cohen if you're as impressed with her work as I am:
Sandee Cohen consults and trains in the field of electronic
publishing for the advertising, design and publishing fields
as well as several schools in New York City. She is available
for teaching and consulting assignments in the major desktop
publishing applications. She is currently co-authoring a book
on advanced typography using QuarkXPress. She can be reached
at (212) 677-7763.
1.6 - April 20, 1993
Added Serial Tool resources from the South Bay Connection settings file. Thanks to Kirk Crawford for this code.
1.5 - March 9, 1993
Added user ID and password for Guest access. If you'd like to check out the Electronic Pen, log on with this account and browse around. If you'd like to set up your own account or already have an account on the Electronic Pen, use the Setup button on the main screen to change the default settings.
1.4 - March 6, 1993
Added a snd resource to welcome callers to the BBS. Thanks to Mike Bielen of NJMUG and The Turnaround Team for this idea. Also removed the winp resource -- I never really did understand what that was supposed to do. The settings file works fine without it so it's gone.
1.3 - December 27, 1992
Added WIND and winp resources to force message windows to default to the size of a 9" screen. This improvement makes it unnecessary to resize the windows each time a caller reads a Fidonet message. Thanks to Jason Hyerstay of Adrenaline Online for these resources.
Not released.
Fixed the PICT resource so it would display better on a Macintosh equiped with standard fonts. (Replaced Architect font with Geneva font.)